Just Say No: A Practical Response to Harmful Businesses 

 Randall Davey, CAP® Financial Advisor  December 2024  Introduction Since 1928, some conscionable investors resisted owning shares of stock in morally questionable, unethical or harmful businesses. Religious groups particularly avoided purveyors of tobacco products, alcohol, and gaming. For most of the 20th century, stocks in these kinds of businesses were called ‘sin stocks.’i  In time, adult entertainment and armament companies were …

Financial Independence In the 21st Century by Suzanne Burnell and Dwayne Burnell

Available on Amazon, this book is an excellent treatise on life insurance as an asset class.  In chapters 3 and following, Burnell explains the many ‘living’ benefits of a properly engineered cash value life insurance contract.  It’s an accessible read with sufficient graphs and charts to buttress the narrative.  For readers who prefer to be educated versus being sold, this …