Garrett Gunderson, What Would the Rockefellers Do? How the Wealthy Get and Stay That Way, and How You Can Too, Rip Water LLC, 2016. This is an excellent expose on cash value life insurance. Gunderson’s implodes myths, exposes nuances to the ‘buy term and invest the difference’ narrative, while offering an in-depth analysis of dividend paying, mutually owned whole life insurance. He …
What In The Heck Is Whole Life Insurance
If you research whole life insurance on the internet, in .51 seconds you can get over 747,000,000 hits (as of June 3, 2021) and run face-first into a sea of unfamiliar terminology. Consider the jargon: Hint: Many of these words are not synonyms. Not all 747,000,000 articles are talking about the same animal. Descriptions of Universal Life do not necessarily …